Dear Teachers, thank you for visiting our website. Here you will find lesson plans and resources related to Catholic Health which has also been sent to schools within BC. Please visit periodically for updates.
Dear Teachers, thank you for visiting our website. Here you will find lesson plans and resources related to Catholic Health which has also been sent to schools within BC. Please visit periodically for updates.
We will soon be marking our fifth annual National Catholic Health Care Week from Sunday, February 4 to Saturday, February 10, 2024. We invite you to participate in the Week by sharing the message of Catholic health care in your schools.
National Catholic Health Care Week seeks to build understanding and connection with our mission and contribution as a Catholic health community working with others to build a just and caring society where all are seen and heard. This year, it falls on the week leading into The World Day of the Sick, February 11, a Catholic day of observance established by Pope John Paul II to encourage prayers and reflections for those who suffer from illness and for their caregivers.
Below you will find prayers for the sick and suggested elementary, and secondary classroom activities that can be used to introduce students to Laudato Si'. As part of National Catholic Health Care Week, we would like students to recognize that Laudato Si' is health care for the earth and that caring for our common home will benefit everyone's health.
Catholic Health Association of BC (CHABC) would like to thank Natalie Chow, a secondary school teacher, for putting together these lessons plans and resources for the Week. We hope that you will find them useful. For additional CHABC resources for National Catholic Health Care Week, visit
Classroom Activities
We invite you to use the following lesson plans to teach students about National Catholic Health Care Week & Laudato Si':
Catholic Health Alliance of Canada has also created a set of five reflections for you to use each weekday during National Catholic Health Care Week, as a resource to open meetings or events and for discussion or learning. Click here to download. They encourage prayerful reflection on aspects of our calling to be signs hope and healing and offer words of encouragement on the journey for those both needing or providing care. These Reflections and prayers help us explore our Catholic identity and tradition. The themes were drawn from Pope Francis’ call to Hope in FratelliTutti (54 and 55).
Each year on February 11, the Catholic Church marks the World Day of the Sick on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This is a time to offer prayers for those who suffer from illness and for their caregivers.
Archbishop Miller will celebrate a Mass for World Day of the Sick. All are invited to attend. We also invite schools to pray for the sick and their caregivers on this day.
Each year, CHABC grants a $500 Bursary to a graduating student who is enrolled in a Catholic secondary school or who is a member of a BC or Yukon parish and enrolled in a public secondary school or who is home-schooled to assist with their continuing education. Click here to view essay guidelines and this year's recipient.
Our vision at CHABC is to become a province where Catholic communities have the education, and tools to meet the needs of sick, elderly, bereaved and homebound parishioners. At CHABC we:
To learn more about the history, mission and vision of CHABC, click here.