Since 1940, the Catholic Health Association of British Columbia has provided leadership, partnership, networking, consultations and education through newsletters, workshops, professional updating and the promotion, advocacy and integration of values and quality in health care.
Our Association’s principal and associate membership currently represents twenty-five Catholic health care facilities in the province.
CHABC believes that “health” is more than just physical well-being. Social, spiritual and emotional aspects of an individual are integral components of good health. We support and encourage programs that respond to the changing needs of the sick, elderly, home bound and bereaved in our parish communities
Moving Forward
On reviewing our work to-date as an association, we believe that it is now time to re-visit both the content of the services we provide to our communities as well as the methods of delivering those. In an age where social media and technology has taken quantum leaps in reaching out to the world, we wish to take advantage of that to integrate the work we do with the catholic communities and organizations across the province. A strategic plan works well when we can identify and measure key goals leading to the realization of our mission.
As a community focused organization, we recognize that our best success will occur when we are able to effectively deliver educational material to communities in a way that can guide people from across the province in making decisions about their healthcare and that of their loved ones in a way that embraces the values and ethics of Catholic health care. While the issues may change over the years, the underlying values that lead to the best decisions will always remain constant. To that end, the focus for our Strategic Plan for the next three years will be:

Our Goals
Our Mission

Our Vision


